Reflection Jomtien Beach – 2bedrooms for quick sale
☆ THB3mil has been reduced for quick sale ☆
【Project】 Reflection Jomthien Beach
【Price】 THB17,000,000 *Reduced from THB20mil → THB18.5mil.
【Quota】 Thai
【Tax / Transfer fee】 50/50
【Size】 2bedrooms / 2bathrooms 116㎡ *Jacuzee is avalable on valcony
【Floor】 Building B / 40F
🎥 Inside room video :
・Condo details
【Total units】334units 42F/55F 2buildings
【Common facilities】Swimming pool, Fitness etc.
【Official HP】
Please feel free to contact us any time for any further infomation. We have some other room information in this condo and around.
Tel : 0832657889
Line ID : 0832657889
WhatsApp : (+66) 0832657889
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Tel : 0832657889
Line ID : 0832657889
WhatsApp : (+66) 0832657889
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