Zire Wongamat Pattaya – Room for sale information
It is a room of a popular condominium in a popular Wongamat Beach area where the number of properties is limited. Please compare with others. it is a really special.
Also including long term tenant 13,000THB/month till July 2022.
【Name】 Zire Wongamat
【Size】1Bedroom 49㎡
【Floor】B Building 5F
【Total rooms】450
【Transfee & Tax】50/50
Please feel free to contact us any time for any further infomation.
Tel : 0832657889
Line ID : 0832657889
Email : bkkcondo55@gmail.com
Tel : 0832657889
Line ID : 0832657889
Email : bkkcondo55@gmail.com

Pattaya / Condos - Rent
Condo rooms for rent.