Pattaya / Condos - Rent

Pattaya / Condos - Rent

【MRT/Ladprao】Life@Rachada >> 5階 / 42㎡/ 1bedroom >> THB12,000/月

新着賃貸情報 - Life@Rachada ・MRT Ladprao駅約500m! ・駅地下にスーパーも入る大型Metro mall!そして駅より700m程先ににBig Cも! ・大き目の42㎡! うれしいバスタブ付! ・若干築年数...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

【MRT/Samyaan】Ashton Chura >> 27F / 35㎡ / 1bedroom >> THB20,000/month!!

Ashton Chura - 1bedroom for rent ・About 3min walk to MRT Samyaan station! ・About 10min walk to BTS Saradeen station! ...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

【MRT/Samyaan】Ashton Chura >> 27階 / 35㎡ / 1bedroom >> THB20,000/月!

新着賃貸情報- Ashton Chura ・MRT Samyaan駅徒歩約3分! ・BTS Saradeen駅徒歩約10分! ・Samyan駅直結のサムヤーンミッドタウン! ・Saradeen駅直結のシーロムコンプレックス! ・高...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

🎥 Riviera Wongamat >> Great sea view / 20F / 50㎡ / 1bedroom >> THB30,000/month!!!

Riviera Wongamat Pattaya - 1bedroom for rent * This room will become available end of December 2022. 【Project】The Ri...
Pattaya / Condos - Sale

Wongamat Tower >> Sea view / 47㎡ / Corner / 1bedroom for quick sale

Wongamat Tower - 1bedroom for sale 【Project】Wongamat tower 【Price】 THB3,550,000 【Name】 Foreigner 【Transfer fee】 50/5...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

【MRT/Suttisan】Ivy Rachada >> 2F / 35㎡ / 1bedroom >> THB8,500/month!!

Ivy Rachada - 1bedroom for rent ・Less than 5min walk to MRT Suthisan station! ・Large size local market is in front of ...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

【MRT/Suttisan】Ivy Rachada >> 2階 / 35㎡ / 1bedroom >> THB8,500/月

新着賃貸情報- Ivy Rachada ・MRT Suthisan駅徒歩約5分! ・朝から夜まで。駅前のローカル色豊かな市場が便利! ・低層階ですがこの賃料は魅力的な物件です! 【物件名】 Ivy Rachada 【間取】1bed...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

Riviera Jomtien >> 12F / 1bedroom >> THB11,000/month!!!

Riviera Jomtien - 1bedroom for rent 【Project】The Riviera Jomtien Beach 【Rent】THB11,000/month for 1year contract 【Depo...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

Lumpini Wongamat >> Sea view / 17F / 1Bedroom >> THB5,500/month!!!

Lumpini Wongamat - 1bedroom for rent 【Project】 Lumpini Ville Naklua - Wongamat 【Rent】 5,500THB/month for 1year contrac...
Pattaya / Condos - Rent

☆Promotion☆ Arcadia Central Suites – 1bedroom for both Sale & Rent

・Newly built condo in South Pattaya! ・Promotion for RENT 1year contract           : THB7,500/month 6-11months contrac...