【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報【新着】Centric Sea Pattaya – 1ベッドルーム THB8,000/月! 新着格安賃貸情報 - セントリックシーパタヤ コロナ禍中でもTHB10,000/月のお部屋が、オーナー様ご意向より今回THB8,000/月でのご案内です。 南方遮るものないA棟眺望良好のお部屋です。 【物件名】 Centric S... 2021.10.12【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報
Pattaya / Condos - RentCentric Sea >> 32F / 1bedroom >> THB8,000/month! Centric Sea Pattaya - Rent room information A room with an unobstructed view to the south 1bedroom has become just avai... 2021.10.12Pattaya / Condos - Rent
【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報【新着】Unixx South Pattaya – Pool viewの1bedroomがTHB7,500/月! Unixx South Pattaya - 格安賃貸情報 静かなパタヤヒル側、プールビューのお部屋情報です。 賃料に加えて、内装も個人的には好感が持てるお部屋ですので、情報アップしてみました。 【物件名】 Unixx Sout... 2021.10.12【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報
Pattaya / Condos - RentUnixx >> 10F Pool view 1bedroom >> THB7,500/month!! The room has been used as a show room at the time of selling. Specially desinged interior. Not easy to find 1bedroom under THB8k/month. 2021.10.29Pattaya / Condos - Rent
【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報【新着】The Base Central Pattaya – 16階2bedroomがTHB14,000/月! 新着格安賃貸情報- ベースセントラルパタヤ 1Bedroomとほぼ変わらぬ賃料でのお部屋情報です。 【物件名】 The Base Central Pattaya 【賃料】14,000THB/月 【デポジット】 20,000THB... 2021.10.12【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報
Pattaya / Condos - RentThe Base Central Pattaya >> 2bedroom for rent >> THB14,000/month! The Base Central Pattaya - Room for rent information Room information for 2 bedrooms with almost the same rent as 1 bed... 2021.10.11Pattaya / Condos - Rent
Pattaya / Condos - RentUnixx >> 23F Sea & moutain view studio room >> THB5,500/month!! Unixx South Pattaya - Rent room information Following studio room has become just available. It is not easy to find ... 2021.10.25Pattaya / Condos - Rentタイ生活情報
Pattaya / Condos - RentThe Palm Wongamat>> 20F / Sea view / Larger 1bedroom >> THB32,000/month The Palm Wongamat - Rent room information Following room has become just available. 【Name】 The Palm Wongamat Beach ... 2021.10.11【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報Pattaya / Condos - Rent
Pattaya / Condos - RentRivieara Wongamat >> City view 7F 1bedroom >> THB10,000/month!!! Rivieara Wongamat Pattaya - Room for rent Following well desinged 1bedroom has become just available. 【Name】The Rivi... 2021.10.11【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報Pattaya / Condos - Rent
Pattaya / Condos - RentRivieara Wongamat >> Sea view 5F 1bedroom >> THB10,000/month!!! Rivieara Wongamat Pattaya - Room for rent Following 1bedroom has become just available. Recommended for those whom d... 2021.10.11【パタヤ】新着賃貸物件情報Pattaya / Condos - Rent